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How Roof Waterproofing Can Help In Cooling Your Home

Keeping Your Home Cool Through Roof Waterproofing

India has been considered a “hot tropical” country over the past couple of decades due to the steadily increasing temperatures. A hot climate prevails throughout the country, particularly in the dry northern regions. The direct rays of the sun are unbearable during the peak summer months of April and May, not only for humans but also for buildings. Because roofs and terraces are the most exposed areas of a building, they are directly exposed to UV rays from the sun. As a result of the constant heat, the structure of the building is prone to erosion, bleaching, and flaking.

It is also important to note that weakened and eroded roof surfaces lead to the development of cracks through which water seepage is likely to occur during excessive rainfall during the monsoon season. Additionally, water seepage through cracks is also a concern, which detracts from the beauty of your house. It is therefore imperative that homeowners protect their roofs and terraces from the damaging effects of heat exposure. 

How Can This Be Avoided?

Homeowners will have to find suitable alternatives to deal with the hot weather if the temperatures continue to rise. The use of fans, coolers, and air conditioners to cool down the interior of your home may be a good option, but it is also very important to maintain the overall temperature of your home from the outside as well. 

Among the ways to cool down your home are the replacement of windows, the installation of shading, and the improvement of insulation. Although these methods of heat reduction may be effective in the short term, they are likely to be unreliable in the long run, as well as very costly. Choosing Sterling Technotrade Waterproofing solutions is a great investment if you are seeking a long-term heat-proofing solution for your home.

Using Sterling Technotrade products to waterproof roofs and terraces not only strengthens them inside out, but also enables the surface to reflect maximum heat during peak summers, unlike other products available on the market with similar features. 

Sterling Technotrade