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With our master brand Techno Builders Solutions® we offer a SINGLE SOURCE SUPPLY for Turnkey Projects.


Technocoat® RC is a single component rust converting solution. The product can be used with both new and old reinforcement like tanks, water pipelines, effluent pipelines, trusses, purlins, rafters etc. Technocoat® RC is ideal for protecting reinforcements with insufficient cover or in thin sections. Coverage Rate or Area Density is 2 – 3 m²/litre/coat. Please refer to the technical data sheet for information about coverage, estimation, and packaging.
TechnoCoat® RR100 is a single component sulphate and chloride free liquid that removes rust and prevents further rusting of steel structures by providing a passivating coat. TechnoCoat® RR100 performs rust removal and rust prevention in one operation in mild conditions. Coverage: Depending on the extent of rusting and roughness of the surface, 1 L/kg TechnoCoat® RR100 covers 7 to 8 m2 of plate like monolithic surface. Packaging: TechnoCoat® RR100 is supplied in in 20 ltrs. HDPE containers. Depending on local regulations, packaging size may differ.
TechnoCoat® ZR Special provides superior cathodic protection to ferrous metal surfaces over other primers by forming a two-component Zinc Rich Anticorrosive epoxy primer. The TechnoCoat® ZR Special is recommended for both the repair and rehabilitation of existing concrete structures as well as the treatment of old and corroded steel. Pack sizes of 1,5,10,20, and 40 kg are available for TechnoCoat® ZR Special. Detailed information regarding this product can be found in the TDS.
TechnoFix® Cleanzol Plus is designed to clean non-cured epoxy resins, polyurethane, polyester, wax, resin-based curing compounds, solvent-based acrylics, and sealers. This product is compatible with almost all known paints and coatings. It leaves no residue after evaporation and has a low boiling point. Please refer to the technical data sheet for information about coverage, estimation, and packaging.
Sterling® Technoklens is a high performance tile cleaner that can be used both internally and externally on tiled surfaces. The most common use of this product is for the cleaning of floor and wall tiles in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, garages, factories, general building sites, and residential places. As far as coverage is concerned, this would be determined by the porosity & contamination of the substrate. Please refer to the TDS for more information.
TechnoCoat® CarboElastic1K (M) is a single component, high build, decorative protective and anti-carbonation coating that is based on an acrylic micro-polymer resin binder that cross-links to provide excellent adhesion to most building substrates. Among the applications for TechnoCoat® CarboElastic1K (M) include bridges, flyovers, subways, underpasses, stadiums, RCC overhead water tanks, industrial buildings, power plants, chimneys, cooling towers, as well as residential and commercial buildings. The product can also be applied to shot-blasted and primed steel & concrete structures that are subjected to atmospheric conditions. TechnoCoat® CarboElastic1K (M) is supplied in 20kg containers. Check the technical data sheet for coverage information.
Sterling Technotrade