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With our master brand Techno Builders Solutions® we offer a SINGLE SOURCE SUPPLY for Turnkey Projects.


FlowMax NS100 is supplied as a powder expansion admixture system which compensates for plastic shrinkage and settlement in cementitious grouts and concrete. By using FlowMax NS100, it is possible to reduce the water: cement ratio, thereby enhancing strength and durability. In addition to providing stability and cohesion, the expansive medium plays a role in reducing natural settlement and plastic shrinkage of the grout. We offer FlowMax NS100 in the following packaging sizes: 225 grams, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg & 30kg.
TechnoCem™ ConFlow® GP is a high strength fluid grout that is specially formulated with selected Portland cements, highly graded silica sands and fillers, expansion control additives, and a super plasticizer. With this product, you will have a ready-to-use fluid grout that is free from segregation and bleeding and requires only the addition of water for a strong, durable, non-shrink rheoplastic grout to be created. There are two pack sizes available: 25kg & 30kg.
FlowMax® NSGPC Ultra is a polymeric compound specially formulated for injection cement grouting. The addition of this product increases the fluidity and wet volume expansion of the concrete mix without segregating it. Due to its strong plasticizing properties, the mix is able to reduce water content without affecting fluidity, improving strength and impermeability. The following packaging sizes are available for FlowMax NSGPC Ultra: 225 grams, 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg & 30 kg. If you require additional information, please refer to the TDS.
Sterling® Prime-O-Pack is a dry powdered pump primer and pumping aid available in ready-to-use preweighed pouches. With its unique combination of high quality components, it reduces costs while maintaining the integrity of pumps and pipes. It also facilitates the placement of hard-to-pump mixes thanks to its reduced line pressure and enhanced pumpability. It’s also environmentally friendly and compatible with all conventional concrete. Sterling® Prime-O-Pack comes in 125 gram x 50 pouch boxes. For dosage information, please refer to the technical data sheet.

Sterling Technotrade