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Rockset Conwrap Fibre MF

Structural synthetic macro fiber for reinforcement of concrete optimized for road surfaces, industrial floors prefabricated items and shotcrete.


Sterling® Rockset® Conwrap Fibre-MF is a polypropylene and polyethylene synthetic structural macro fiber designed to improve the durability and mechanical properties of concrete and to replace steel fibers, welded wire mesh and conventional reinforcing bars in a wide variety of applications where high chemical and corrosion resistance are required. Additional reinforcement of concrete, due to the homogeneous distribution of a huge amount of Sterling® Rockset® Conwrap Fibre-MF throughout the concrete matrix, controls the process of cracking and provides concrete with further reinforcement. Concrete reinforced with Sterling® Rockset® Conwrap Fibre-MF will have three-dimensional reinforcement with increased bending strength, shock resistance and surface abrasive hardness and will also help minimize cracking during shrinkage of concrete. The special corrugated surface of the Sterling® Rockset® Conwrap Fibre-MF provides excellent adhesion to concrete, increasing their effectiveness, especially in shotcrete.

Sterling Technotrade