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Techfin CR10 2C

Two Component Polymer Modified & Cementitious Fairing & Cosmetic Skim Mortar

TechFin® CR 10-2C is a pre-packed factory quality controlled, two component cementitious polymer modified blow hole filler and reprofiling mortar designed as a high quality repairing and finishing mortar for application upto 10mm. It also can be used as a skim coat prior to application of protective coatings. TechFin® CR 10-2C is specially formulated to produce a shrinkage compensated mortar with no cracking when applied in a thin section.TechFin® CR 10-2C is composed of a blend of Portland cements, fibers , supplementary cementing materials, special chemical additives and modified by the addition of acrylic polymer liquid in a plastic container to produce highly consistent smooth, trowellable and shrinkage compensated mortar.

Sterling Technotrade