TechnoCoat® FlexiShield SLP
High performance, seamless, semi flexible self-leveling, polyurethane floor coating system.

TechnoCoat®FlexiShield SLP is a High performance, seamless, Semi flexible, Flow applied medium to heavy duty polyurethane floor coating System designed with the highest order of durability to resist abrasion, chemical attack and other physical aggression for commercial, semi-industrial and institutional applications. TechnoCoat®FlexiShield SLP provides high durability and excellent long term comfortable floor coatings system. TechnoCoat®FlexiShield SLP consists of preweighed base & hardener components and a TechnoFloor® colour pack, all of which contain reactive elements that are essential to the installation of the system. TechnoCoat®FlexiShield SLP is designed for application at a nominal thickness between 3 mm to 6 mm. thickness design criteria would depend on service temperature and chemical exposures.