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TechnoCoat Novolac HS

High performance, chemical-resistant, solvent free epoxy resin novolac coating system.


TechnoCoat® Novolac HS is a solvent free, durable, High performance, excellent wear and chemical resistance epoxy resin Novolac coating system designed for use as a chemical resistant Lining, Coating and hard wearing coloured flooring system for areas such as factories, warehouses, Chemicals unit etc.TechnoCoat® Novolac HS consists of preweighed base & hardener components and a TechnoFloor® colour pack, all of which contain reactive elements that are essential to the installation of the system. TechnoCoat® Novolac HS is suitable for use on concrete and steel surfaces. The material may be used with or without antislip aggregates and can also can be laminated with glass fibre cloth to achieve a high build, chemical resistant lining.

Sterling Technotrade