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Technocrete® SBR Latex

High Dispersion SBR Latex For Waterproofing, Bonding, Repairs & Rehabilitation

Technocrete® SBR Latex is a Styrene Butadiene Copolymer Latex liquid that is specially formulated to be compatible with cement based mixes (ordinary Portland cement or high aluminium cement). It may be incorporated into cementitious renders, screeds or patching mixes in order to enhances the mechanical properties such as bonding (adhesion) with various building materials, flexural, compression and impact strength and abrasion resistance, reduces the mixing time through high dispersion of the polymer and improves waterproofing new to old concrete/plaster bonding and strength characteristics and reduces shrinkage and cracking of the mix.


  • Multiple applications: Robust product that is economical, easy to handle and store.
  • Easy to Mix: Faster mixing to enhance worker efficiency.
  • Shrinkage/crack control: High flexural / tensile strength to control cracking.
  • Mortar modifier: Improved flexibility, no bleeding, lower water cement ratio and high resistance to water penetration.
  • Improves physical/mechanical properties: Higher abrasion resistance, good adhesion to building materials similar thermal characteristics to concrete.
  • Corrosion control: Prevents corrosion of embedded steel.
  • High Dispersion technology: Allows for better workability at slightly reduced water applications too.


  • Concrete repair: Spalled concrete, repairing floors, beams and pre-cast slabs, chajjas etc.
  • Bond Coat: For bonding new concrete to old concrete, thin sets, terrazzo, stucco and bonding coats plaster, stone/brick masonry.
  • Plaster repair: For repairing plaster or making water proof plaster which is better than normal plaster.
  • Floor screeds and toppings: Abrasion resistant, Toppings, repairs and leveling concrete surfaces and non-dusting floors.
  • Waterproofing: Basements side walls and rafts, lift pits, inspection pits, sunken/overhead water tank, sunken portions of bathrooms and toilets, balconies, chajjas, exposed roofs before finished screed.
  • Other typical applications: Bridge decks, highways and parking decks repair, Bedding tiles, fixing or re-fixing slip bricks.

Technical properties:

Appearance before mixing with cementMilky white liquid
Appearance when mixed with cementGrey 
pH value>7
Relative density~ 1.02 +/- 0.01 at 25°C
Application temperatureAbove 10°C to 40°C
*Properties are of typical mix and guiding in nature, and may vary depending upon mix constituents. We strongly advises to carry out site mix design and site trials.
Sterling Technotrade