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TechnoFinish® ConKure 201 WB

High Efficiency Acrylic Resin Based Concrete Curing Compound

TechnoFinish® ConKure 201 –WB is a water based curing compound formulated from selected emulsified paraffins to form a low viscosity wax emulsion. TechnoFinish® ConKure 201 –WB is supplied as a white liquid which forms a wet white film when applied to concrete surfaces. This dries to form transparent film which retains sufficient moisture in the concrete to ensure full hydration of the cement, which is essential for optimum strength development. TechnoFinish® ConKure 201 –WB is applied to fresh concrete surfaces to form a fast dry, thin flexible and tough, impervious membrane which protects the concrete from rapid water evaporation during initial curing stages, thereby assisting towards obtaining maximum strength, durability, assists in the retention of water during hydration and helping towards the elimination of shrinkage cracks and surface dusting.

Sterling Technotrade