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TechnoFinish Lubriex Emulsion Extra

Water dilutable concentrated and emulsified chemical mould release agent.

TechnoFinish®Lubriex Emulsion Extra is a concentrated, emulsifiable base oil that can be diluted on site with potable water to produce a combination physical and chemical, V.O.C. compliant, form release agent combining the outstanding release properties of such materials with the economy of a conventional oil. TechnoFinish®Lubriex Emulsion Extra reacts with the alkali in the concrete to form a thin water repellent skin on the surface of the mould which enables easy stripping from the hardened concrete. Once diluted, the TechnoFinish®Lubriex Emulsion Extra will not transfer or stain the cast surface, which allows the hardened concrete to accept coatings, paints, or caulks without any inter-coat adhesion problems.

Sterling Technotrade