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TechnoFix Epomast 300

High build solvent free epoxy resinous lining and benching mortar.


TechnoFix®Epomast 300 is a multi-component, low odour, non-sag and chemically resistant solvent free epoxy resinous mortar specifically developed for use with maximum chemical and abrasion resistance for protection of concrete and other substrate in aggressive conditions like sewage tanks and manholes. When used in conjunction with either TechnoSeal® PrimePlus Primer the product provides excellent adhesion to concrete materials. TechnoFix®Epomast 300 consists of an unique blend of specially selected fillers and high purity resins that form an easily finished impervious thixotropic lining and benching mortar with high build characteristics for protection of concrete combined with optimum chemical and mechanical resistance.

Sterling Technotrade