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TechnoPur® Grout Gelflex 2K

Two-component Mdi-based Hydrophilic Polyurethane Injection System

TechnoPur® Grout Gelflex 2K is a solvent and phthalate-free two-component MDI-based hydrophilic polyurethane injection system designed with a mixing ratio of 1:1 by volume with extended gel time forming an elastomeric gel. The special characteristics of “permanently elastic” of TechnoPur® Grout Gelflex 2K allow a permanent crack and joint sealing even in case of movement of the crack and The special characteristics of “extended gel time forming” of TechnoPur® Grout Gelflex 2K allow the reaction time between 20–25 minutes independent from the amount of water present in the structure.

Sterling Technotrade