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TechnoSeal® ADMIX

Integral Crystalline Waterproofing Admixture

TechnoSeal® Admix is a non-toxic unique powder form crystalline admixture treatment for waterproofing and protecting concrete designed as a concrete additive at the time of new concrete during batching and forms catalytic crystalline growth within the concrete. Once added to the concrete batch, TechnoSeal®Admix reacts with the fresh concrete and crystallises inside by forming non-soluble particles that blocks the capillarity network of the concrete structure, reduces concrete permeability by permanently sealing micro cracks and provides an internal crystallization process which seal, waterproof penetration and the effects of deterioration, even under high hydrostatic pressure and protect the concrete structure against water and other aggressive compounds.


• Waterproofing of water tanks, reservoirs, swimming-pools & fountains.
• Basements and below-grade structures subjected to positive or negative water pressure.
• Waterproofing and protection of concrete foundations, retaining walls and foundation slabs.
• Concrete structures subject to aggressive media such as marine environment, cooling towers, industrial silos, thermal plants, etc.
• All kind of hydraulic jobs such as dams, water channels, waste water treatment plants, sewage pipelines, etc.
• Waterproofing tunnels, shafts, underground structures.
• Terrace, Non Towers Deck.


• Virtually eliminates water penetration through concrete.
• Will stop water under high hydrostatic pressure.
• Reduces cracking by up to 60%.
• Will self-heal new hairline cracks.
• Impart an internal waterproofing by forming non-soluble crystals, becoming structural part of the concrete.
• Very high chemical resistance to aggressive soil salts, marine water, etc.
• Can self-heal static hairline cracks up to 0.5 mm. Allows water vapour diffusion of concrete.

Sterling Technotrade