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TechnoSeal CrystalCoat IC

Surface applied INTEGRAL Crystalline Waterproofing SYSTEm

TechnoSeal® CrystalCoat IC is a surface-applied, integral crystalline waterproofing material which waterproofs and protects concrete In-depth. When applied to the surface of concrete or mortar insoluble crystals are formed and developed in the water bearing capillaries effectively blocking the passage of water and ensuring permanent water tightness throughout the life of the structure. In the presence of moisture, the active chemicals in TechnoSeal® CrystalCoat IC crystalline waterproofing system penetrates concrete and react chemically with free lime to produce water-insoluble nano-crystals.


  • Provides excellent waterproofing properties by becoming an integral part of the structure to which it is applied. Active ingredients will not delaminate, peel off or wear away.
  • Protects concrete & reinforcement against corrosive waterborne substances & does not require protection during backfilling, placement of steel or wire mesh, and other common procedures.
  • Crystalline action reactivated by contact with water providing long-term additional protection.
  • Effective against both positive and negative water pressure.
  • Non-toxic or tainting, Seals hairline and shrinkage cracks of up to 1/64” (0.4 mm) rather than merely masking or bridging them.
  • Easy to apply, labor-cost effective.
  • Penetrates deeply and seals concrete’s capillary tracts and shrinkage cracks


  • Concrete foundations, walls & slabs on grade.
  • Marine structures.
  • Elevator pits & equipment pits.
  • Parking structures.
  • Swimming pools & water features.
  • Water towers, reservoirs & storage tanks.
  • Tunnels, pipes & underground vaults.
  • Water treatment reservoirs.
  • Bridge decks, elevated slabs & ramps.
  • And protecting against water ingress in: Basements, Tunnels, Foundations, Retaining walls , Lift shafts, Construction joints, Bridge decks & Jetties

Technical properties:

AppearanceCement grey powder
Density1.2 kg/L
pH (when mixed with water)13
PermeabilityNo measurable leakage up to 460 feet (140 m) head pressure or 200 psi (14 bar), positive or negative water pressure side
Powder: Water mixing ratio by weight23%
Powder: water mixing ratio by volume28%
VOC0 g/L
Compressive Strength (ASTM C109 Modified)28 days ˃ 55 MPa
Pot Life30 minutes, of mixed material 25⁰C.
Coverage1.0 to 1.2 Kg/m2
Modulus of Rupture OR Flexural strength (ASTM C348)28 days ˃6 MPa

Note: All data are average values obtained under laboratory conditions. In practical use temperature, humidity and absorbance of the substrate may influence the above given values.  

Sterling Technotrade