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TechnoSeal® CrystalFlex 2C

Surface Applied Dual-crystallization Waterproofing Slurry System

TechnoSeal® CrystalFlex 2C is a dual-crystallization waterproofing slurry system with excellent capillary sealing properties specially designed for watertight Concrete structure for both positive and negative side & it contains modified chloride-free mineral cement-based powder, crystallising capillary-plugging additives and a formulated styrene-butadiene dispersion liquid. When TechnoSeal® CrystalFlex 2C is mixed and applied to the surface of concrete or mortar, insoluble crystals are formed and developed in the water-bearing capillaries that effectively blocks the passage of water & ensures permanent water tightness throughout the life of the structure and leaves a coating with excellent pressure- and abrasion resistance & has excellent resistance to chemical compounds.

Sterling Technotrade