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TechnoSeal® CrystalMortar

High Strength Cementitious Crystalline Waterproofing Repair Mortar

TechnoSeal®CrystalMortar is a single component rapid setting cementitious crystalline repair mortar designed for waterproofing, repairing and sealing concrete and masonry block structures. TechnoSeal®CrystalMortar consists a variety of Portland cement, specially treated quartz sand and a compound of active chemicals and is designed for making watertight permanent repairs after the flow of water has been stopped. TechnoSeal®CrystalMortar’s active chemicals react with moisture and the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction, which generates an insoluble Integral crystalline complex. These crystalline complexes grow in the presence of water and block the capillaries of the concrete and minor shrinkage cracks, thus waterproofing the concrete.


  • Fast setting
  • Withstands positive and negative hydrostatic pressure
  • Can be used on damp concrete
  • Easy to use – needs only to be mixed with water prior to application
  • Allows the concrete to “breathe”
  • Can be skim coated or feather edged
  • Can be applied to moist concrete
  • Resists abrasion and mechanical wear
  • Freeze/thaw resistant
  • Non-flammable
  • Resists abrasion and mechanical wear
  • Freeze/thaw resistant
  • No odor – No Fumes – Environmentally friendly


  • Concrete and masonry block structures
  • Repairing spalled and honeycombed areas
  • Filling voids in walls
  • Patching and filling of routed out cracks
  • Installation of seal strips and coves at joints to assure water tightness
  • Patching of tie holes and faulty construction joints

Technical properties:

AppearanceCement grey powder
Bulk density1.8 kg/L (1800 kg/m3)
Compressive strength (ASTM C109)˃ 48 MPa at 28 days
Flexural strength            ˃ 5 MPa at 28 days
Shrinkage: ASTM C-59628 Days: 0.01%
Tensile Strength (ASTM C-190)˃ 6 MPa 28 days
Pot Life20 -30 minutes, of mixed material 30⁰C.
CoverageDepends on surface condition and size 

Note: All data are average values obtained under laboratory conditions. In practical use temperature, humidity and absorbance of the substrate may influence the above given values.  

Sterling Technotrade