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Waterproofing Compounds Products

TechnoProof® LWC is an innovative specially formulated integral liquid waterproofing compound based on a specialised polymers active ingredients to make concrete and plaster mixes waterproof and resist water through hydrostatic pressure or capillary absorption.TechnoProof® LWC waterproofs by improving the quality of the concrete and plaster mixes by reducing the water demand for required workability and makes concrete cohesive and prevents segregation. Thus it is more efficient compared to traditional powder Waterproofers as its use results better improvement in concrete & plaster mixes. TechnoProof® LWC meets the requirements of IS: 2645-2003 and IS: 9103-2000.

TechnoProof® LWC Plus is an innovative liquid additive designed to allow improves the cohesiveness property, superior workability, surface finish and durability of concrete & plaster mixes. TechnoProof® LWC Plus contains blend of specialised active ingredients to make concrete waterproof that can even resist water through hydrostatic pressure or capillary absorption and compatible with all types of cement and cementitious materials (like fly ash, ground granulated slag, silica fume, metakaolin, etc.). TechnoProof® LWC Plus conforms the requirements of IS 2645- 2003 and IS 9103- 2000 standards

TechnoProof®1+ is a heavy duty damp proofing (water repellency) admixture for concrete, mortars and any type of cementitious renders.TechnoProof®1+ contains blend of specialized active ingredients to make concrete waterproof that can even resist water through hydrostatic pressure or capillary absorption. TechnoProof®1+ improves the cohesiveness property, workability, surface finish and durability of concrete & plaster mixes. TechnoProof®1+ conforms to IS: 2645-2003.

TechnoCem™ WP1 is a ready to use cementitious mortar component-B for flexible waterproofing system, based on cement, fine fillers, selected graded aggregates, plus special waterproofing additives to produce a flexible mortar that is ideal for waterproofing surfaces when added to aqueous, anionic, plasticizer-free dispersion of an acrylic-styrene copolymer. TechnoCem™ WP1 is suitable for application by brush, roller, trowel or spray equipment . TechnoCem™ WP1 is one component (Part B in powder form only) for Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing membrane and must need to be added to Techno Builders Solutions® range of aqueous, anionic, plasticizer-free dispersion of an acrylic-styrene copolymer (Liquid Component A) at site to make Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing membrane in 2:1 and 3: 1 ratio (Powder: Liquid ) as per thickness requirement.

Sterling Technotrade