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Building Adhesives

Sterling® Tilefix Silver is a cement based polymer modified powdered tile adhesive specifically designed for bonding all types of ceramic tiles and stone on most common construction substrates for internal and external applications using the thin bed method. Sterling® Tilefix Silver is supplied in the form of white or grey powder that is ready to use with the addition of water to provide a good workable and easy to apply tile adhesive.

Sterling Tilefix Classic is a one component polymer modified cementitious tile adhesive. Sterling Tilefix Classic is a blend of dry powders, acrylic polymer, and selected aggregates which when mixed with water produces a thixotropic paste suitable for tile adhesion.

Tilefix Premium is a very high performance polymer modified adhesive for tile on tile applications with high flexibility and bond strength for fixing large format tiles and stones on interior and exterior floor & wall.

Sterling Tilefix Gold is a cement based polymer modified powdered tile adhesive specifically designed for bonding all types of ceramic tiles and stone.

Sterling Technotrade